Swimming Pool Servicing

Fall Time for the Swimming Pool Servicing
Take time to prepare your pool for Fall and Winter with proper swimming pool servicing. When Fall comes it is time to prepare your pool as prescribed by the owner’s manual or pool maintenance information. Do no drain your pool unless it is recommended for your pool. The pool may FLOAT up and cause structural issues. Take time to seal the cracks in the coping (concrete) around your pool. If water freezes is the cracks the cracks will get worst. Checkout your maintenance instructions and follow them for a preventive maintenance move that will save you money. Pool servicing is a must.

We recommend visiting our website at http://thepooldepotinc.com/. Stop by the store and bring your Winter swimming pool servicing questions, we’ll help you enjoy your pool rather than working on your pool.

Contact Us For More Information (281) 484-8840